I served as Art Director for ToonTown Online at a very exciting time. Our group introduced a new story line involving the rising silliness in ToonTown and the effect it had. The Silly Meter measured the levels, and as they rose, more silly things began to happen. The trash cans, fire hydrants and mailboxes came alive, and the Doodles ran amuck. Players threw silly parties and could show off their silly style with all new accessories.

Being responsible for the look of the new animated street props, I changed the English text on them to international symbols, so they could be understood by all players. I was also in charge of overseeing the production for the Toon accessories. We made shoes, backpacks, hats and glasses. They were a big hit with the players who had wanted the ability to further customize their avatars for years.

Besides the game, I was also involved in the redesign of the ToonTown website, the marketing e-mails, Flash advergames, and  ads. 

Silly Style Accessories 

 Silly Story Scenes

                                                                                                                                                               Images by Kathleen Donaldson


Concept Sketches

